Maximilianstraße 26-28
Mo-Sa: 11:00 – 19:00
+49 (0)89 / 233 966 00
A comedy by Anton Chekhov
A deadly comic battle for love and money as a lavish ensemble celebration
A Russian society in economic decline, unable to free itself from the toxic ghosts of its overpowering forefathers, entirely shaped by militarism and dreaming of lost greatness. In his early work written by the Azov Sea, which became known by the title of Platonov, Anton Chekhov celebrates a farewell to a dying world. Anna Petrovna, who moves in the best social circles, unexpectedly finds herself on the brink of financial ruin. People gather at her country estate on the evening before it is auctioned off and play like there is still something to be won. And no one sees the approaching catastrophes.
German translation by Ulrike Zemme
With a monologue by Katja Brunner
Invited to Berliner Theatertreffen 2024 & Hamburger Theaterfestival 2024.
Photo: Armin Smailovic
Foto: Armin Smailovic
Photo: Armin Smailovic
Photo: Armin Smailovic
Photo: Armin Smailovic
Photo: Armin Smailovic
Photo: Armin Smailovic
Photo: Armin Smailovic
Photo: Armin Smailovic
Photo: Armin Smailovic
Photo: Armin Smailovic
Photo: Armin Smailovic
Photo: Armin Smailovic
Photo: Armin Smailovic
Photo: Armin Smailovic
Photo: Armin Smailovic
Photo: Armin Smailovic
Photo: Armin Smailovic
Photo: Armin Smailovic
Photo: Armin Smailovic
Photo: Armin Smailovic
Photo: Leonard Rössert
Photo: Leonard Rössert
Photo: Leonard Rössert
Photo: Leonard Rössert
Photo: Leonard Rössert
Photo: Leonard Rössert
Photo: Leonard Rössert
Photo: Leonard Rössert
Photo: Leonard Rössert
Photo: Leonard Rössert
Photo: Leonard Rössert
Photo: Leonard Rössert
Photo: Leonard Rössert
“Joachim Meyerhoff plays his character with such overripe disillusionment that, especially in the relationship catastrophes, a couple of moments of bright truth shine through. And with them, pure theatrical joy.”