
Premieres 24/25 Currently Plays A-Z Spielzeit 23/24 Spielzeit 22/23 Spielzeit 21/22 Spielzeit 20/21
A person in a dark winter coat looks into the camera through a large abstract paper mask.
Premiere 28.2. English Surtitles
An artist caught between conforming and rebelling • Based on the novel of a career by Klaus Mann
Premiere 7.3. Otto Falckenberg School of Performing Arts
RCE – #RemoteCodeExecution
A blueprint for world revolution • By Sibylle Berg in an adaptation by Dennis Duszczak and Hannah Saar • Year group production by the...
Next date 12.2. UA English Surtitles
Oh Schreck!
Get bitten! • A Vampire Comedy by Jan-Christoph Gockel, inspired by F. W. Murnau’s “Nosferatu” and the life of Max Schreck
Next date 15.2. English Surtitles
Amerika / Der Verschollene
Missing in the modern world • Based on the unfinished novel by Franz Kafka in an adaptation by Charlotte Sprenger and Olivia Ebert
Next date 20.2. UA
A night in which joy and lamentation lie close together. • Dance theatre by Serge Aimé Coulibaly (Faso Danse Théâtre) with texts by...
Next date 27.2. UA Werkraum
Gigantische Einsamkeit
By Paula Kläy
Next date 22.2. UA Werkraum
By Matthias van den Höfel
Next date 21.2. English Surtitles
Baumeister Solness
Battle of the generations • By Henrik Ibsen with additional texts by Gerhild Steinbuch and ensemble
Next date 26.2.
Based on the text by Michel Friedman • A project by Katharina Bach and Katrin Lindner
Premiere 10.4.
Trapped in a vicious circle • By Rainer Werner Fassbinder with an epilogue by Emre Akal
Two pink cases are standing next to each other in an underground parking garage. An orange instrument case is attached to the left one and a light pink one to the right.
Premiere 26.4.
Tristan (und Isolde)
Love is love is silence is love is word is music? • Musical Theatre in the many languages of love by Nele Jahnke
proteus 2481
The long-lost fourth part of the Oresteia! We've been waiting thousands of years for it! • By Aeschylus and Thomas Köck • A Satyr play
A man in a dark robe sits in front of a starry sky.
Premiere 7.5.
Was Ihr wollt
Fake it till you make it! • Comedy by William Shakespeare
A person in a white T-shirt, white boxer shorts and a pink tulle dress is standing on a meadow in front of prefabricated buildings.
Premiere 5.6. UA
Off to a new life! • Based on the novel by Lion Christ in an adaptation by Florian Fischer and Tobias Schuster
UA English Surtitles Last performance
Sie kam aus Mariupol
Based on the bestseller by Natascha Wodin in an adaptation by Pavlo Arie
An astronaut in a silver spacesuit with an orange viewing window.
Premiere 26.6. UA
War Games
Theatre of the new generation • A project by SKART & Friends with children aged 12 to 14
UA English Surtitles German surtitles
Mia san Mia
Science fiction meets homeland idyll - and we are squeezed right in the middle: rooted in Bavaria, at home in the universe. • A Bavarian...