Maximilianstraße 26-28
Mo-Sa: 11:00 – 19:00
+49 (0)89 / 233 966 00
By Wolfram Lotz
Directed by: Falk Richter
In his third work at the Münchner Kammerspiele, writer and director Falk Richter tackles another influential voice in contemporary German drama: Wolfram Lotz. The visionary playwright who, ever since his “Speech on the Theatre of the Impossible”, has repeatedly broken all theatre conventions with an anarchic passion, has now presented his most radical text to date: the “Holy Scriptures”. His collected diaries are an exuberant compendium of everyday experiences, reflections on writing, bizarre fantasies about Peter Handke in the gloomy German forest, about the depths of the theatre business and about cats. In short: about the world. Falk Richter has been inspired by the “Holy Scriptures” to create an immersive installation: a walk-in obstacle course through the absurd universe of Wolfram Lotz.
Photo: Maurice Korbel
Photo: Maurice Korbel
Photo: Maurice Korbel
Photo: Maurice Korbel
Photo: Maurice Korbel
Photo: Maurice Korbel
Photo: Maurice Korbel
Photo: Maurice Korbel
Photo: Maurice Korbel
Photo: Maurice Korbel
Photo: Maurice Korbel
Photo: Maurice Korbel
Photo: Maurice Korbel
Photo: Maurice Korbel
Photo: Maurice Korbel
Photo: Maurice Korbel
Photo: Maurice Korbel