Maximilianstraße 26-28
Mo-Sa: 11:00 – 19:00
+49 (0)89 / 233 966 00
By Sivan Ben Yishai
Medusa, the offspring of two incestuous sea creatures, is seduced and raped in Athena’s temple by Poseidon, the god of the sea. Enraged, Athena transforms Medusa into a winged creature with snakes for hair who turns anyone who looks at her to stone. Quite a few men embark on the journey to cut off Medusa’s head and acquire its power. Perseus succeeds – with Athena’s help. The anti-heroine is outwitted and beheaded. So goes the myth, and thus the mythological frame of reference for negotiating rules, fears and violent fantasies. Sivan Ben Yishai’s play is a modern survey of the patriarchal gender model as a cross-cultural and epoch-spanning system of violence that reproduces itself thanks to toleration and support. Songs to lovers and tales of young girls’ hopeful dreams for the future reflect hetero-sexist norms. And the work’s propulsive narrative energy allows us become part of a powerful hunt – on the paved highways of history, both backwards and forwards.
Trigger warning: the text contains many descriptions of sexualised acts of violence which could have a debilitating and re-traumatising effect.
Invited to the Theatertreffen 2022
Nominated for the NESTROY Preis 2022
Photo: Krafft Angerer
Photo: Krafft Angerer
Photo: Krafft Angerer
Photo: Krafft Angerer
Photo: Krafft Angerer
Photo: Krafft Angerer
Photo: Krafft Angerer
Photo: Krafft Angerer
Photo: Krafft Angerer
Photo: Krafft Angerer
Photo: Krafft Angerer
Photo: Krafft Angerer
Photo: Krafft Angerer
Photo: Krafft Angerer
Photo: Krafft Angerer
Photo: Krafft Angerer
Photo: Krafft Angerer
Photo: Krafft Angerer
Photo: Krafft Angerer
Photo: Krafft Angerer
“’Like Lovers Do (Memoiren der Medusa)’ […] ist Theater für heute […] Mit einer schonungslos rohen Wucht benennt Sivan Ben Yishai in ihrem wie ein kollektives Klagelied komponierten Textgeflecht alle erdenklichen Details sexualisierter Gewalt, und stellt sie damit an ihren sprachlichen Pranger.“