Photo: Can Temizgezek


Dies Das Nr. 23 with Lutz Kleveman

Reading and talk with Lutz C. Kleveman

 Habibi Kiosk
 28.6.2023
 Free entry
 Habibi Kiosk
 28.6.2023
 Free entry

Tuncay Acar will talk to Lutz C. Kleveman about his work and his life as an author and photographer, which has been taking place for some time on the axis between Central Asia, the Middle East, the Mediterranean region and Europe. The focus of the talk, however, will be his most recent non-fiction book, which deals with the fire of Smyrna/Izmir in 1922 and the lasting consequences that this catastrophe had for Turkish-Greek relations, but also for the mixed situation in the Mediterranean region and in Europe.

Lutz C. Kleveman, born in 1974, is an author and photographer. Kleveman studied French literature in Aix-en-Provence and international history at the London School of Economics (LSE). From 1999, Kleveman reported as a freelance journalist and photographer from the Balkans, West Africa, the former Soviet Union, Central Asia and the Middle East. He has written and photographed for the Daily Telegraph, Die Zeit, Newsweek, Der Spiegel, Playboy Magazine, and various other publications in Germany, the United Kingdom, and the United States.Kleveman is the bilingual author of several nonfiction books, most recently:

SMYRNA IN FLAMES: The Fall of the Ottoman Metropolis in 1922 and Its Consequences for Europe (Berlin, Aufbau, 2022).
LEMBERG: The Forgotten Center of Europe (Berlin, Aufbau, 2017).

Kleveman is currently working on a new book on North Africa.

Tuncay Acar is a musician, DJ, blogger and cultural activist from Munich. He dedicates the series of talks “Dies Das” to people and topics that mostly take place on the fringes of public perception. “Dies Das” sends impulses and creates awareness for the real existing diversity apart from any “Leitkultur”. The talk includes additional formats such as radio, lectures, performances, readings, concerts, exhibitions, screenings, etc..

The link to Tuncay Acar’s blog: