Photo: Nicole Marianna Wytyczak Photo:


Buy Hard

A special offer from Bekim Latifi and Gro Swantje Kohlhof
With Cherybel Mustang & Uwe van Tiger

 Werkraum
 15 Euro, 6 Euro reduced
 Werkraum
 15 Euro, 6 Euro reduced

The Kammerspiele spared no effort and hired Uwe van Tiger and Cherybel Mustang, the dream team of sales TV. We have products for sale – around the clock in fact – that are exclusively available from us. Furniture and people from the Kammerspiele’s vast inventory and network. Things you didn’t even know you needed. The teleshopping continues even when the last audience member has said goodbye. Uwe van Tiger and Cherybel Mustang, two great showbiz veterans, are at their uninhibited best: welcoming guests from the ensemble and celebrating their products until the crack of dawn – even when the world has long since gone to sleep.