Photo: Sandra Singh Photo:


Abtauchen & Auftauchen - Kapitel 1: Ein Regenbogenfisch / Zwei Oktopusse

A prerecorded underwater installation by Verena Regensburger on the Münchner Kammerspiele's substage.
Chapter 1: For the young and young-at-heart (6 years and up)

 Therese-Giehse-Halle
 Premiere: 12.6.2021
 40 minutes
 German
 8 years and up
 15 Euro, 6 Euro reduced
 Therese-Giehse-Halle
 Premiere: 12.6.2021
 40 minutes
 German
 8 years and up
 15 Euro, 6 Euro reduced

Based on the idea by Marcus Pfister

Two octopi are swimming in the deep sea. They are going crazy with boredom. As they try to pass the time, they suddenly discover an unusual bottle on the sea floor. What they find in the bottle is the story of the ‘rainbow fish’.

With its dazzling dress made of scales, the rainbow fish is the most beautiful fish in the ocean. It is very proud of its appearance. However, little by little, its vanity and arrogance make it more and more lonesome. Thanks to the advice of the wise octopus, it becomes clear to the rainbow fish that it takes more than shimmering rainbow scales to be happy. True friends cannot be made through outer beauty. So it decides to overcome its false pride. It generously gives its unique scales to other sea creatures, and in this way brings joy to everyone, but especially itself. From that moment on, the rainbow fish is happy and enjoys spending time with its new friends.

For the two shape-shifting octopi, this kind of worry about appearance is completely foreign. They have fun with their appearance, change the colours and shapes of their bodies, and express their feelings through them. In this way, they communicate and show that they are confident individuals – they can be anything in a colourful, diverse world.

  • Assistant to the Director Ayşe Güvendiren
  • Stage Design & Costumes Assistant Leonard Mandl
  • Internship Agnes Pfeiffer
  • Technical Production Management Hanna Kriegleder
  • Artistic Production Management Gina Penzkofer
  • Directing Intern Suvi Schrank
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