Theresa Seraphin

Theresa Seraphin is a freelance author and dramaturge. She studied dramaturgy, comparative literature and art history at the Theaterakademie August Everding and Kyonggi University Seoul (South Korea). She is a graduate of the “Curating in the Scenic Arts” program (2018) and worked as a dramaturge at ARGEkultur in Salzburg until 2022, where she curated the annual OPEN MIND Festival together with Sebastian Linz, among others.

As an author, Theresa Seraphin focuses on collective work processes and open project developments. In 2022, she was the author and dramaturge of the sci-fi installation PLANET 09 by director Carmen Schwarz. In February 2023, her text ERIK*A, about the playful discovery of one’s own queer identity, premiered at the Schauburg in Munich. The production has been invited to the Bayerische Theatertage and nominated for the Heidelberg Stückemarkt 2024 Youth Play Prize. In March 2023, the world premiere of the dance production UNISONO (make.make produktionen; WUK Vienna) took place, which explored the relationship between the group and the individual and for which she also developed the text. The production has been nominated for the STELLA* 24 Performing Arts Prize for Young Audiences.

Theresa Seraphin’s main focus is on theater, but she has also been writing poetry for several years. Performances at the Schamrock Festival 2020 and 2022, among others, as well as at the reading series ‘meine drei lyrischen Ichs’. Publications in the literary magazine Jenny and ZEIT online, among others. Recurring themes in her work are queerness, feminism, trauma, anti-racism and left-wing activism.

In 2016, she founded the NETZWERK MÜNCHNER THEATERTEXTER*INNEN (NMT) together with Raphaela Bardutzky. Since 2020, the NMT, under the direction of Katrin Diehl, Jan Geiger, Denijen Pauljevic, Theresa Seraphin and Rinus Silzle, has received three-year funding from the City of Munich and produces its own theater works. Most recently, the collective author project PANZER WIESE was performed at schwere reiter (Munich) in November 23. In addition, the NMT sees itself as a platform for theater texts and brings together authors from different theater forms and language experiences. Through text workshops, artistic exchange, workshops, scholarships and readings, the diversity of performative texts is to be presented and promoted.