Stella Leder

Stella Leder is an author and dramaturge. She studied art history and German studies, was on the board of the foundation Zurückgeben, worked for the Amadeu Antonio Foundation and in the independent theatre scene. In 2015, she co-founded the Institute for New Social Sculpture, an association of Jewish directors, dramaturges, authors and artists critical of anti-Semitism. The institute develops performances, installations and exhibitions. Under the direction of Stella Leder, it has become a hub between artists critical of anti-Semitism and Jews on the one hand, and theatres and museums on the other. In 2021, Leder’s books “Meine Mutter, der Mann im Garten und die Rechten” (Ullstein) and “Über jeden Verdacht erhaben? Antisemitism in Art and Culture” (Hentrich & Hentrich).