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Paisajes para no colorear - Landscapes that cannot be coloured in

by Marco Layera / Teatro la re-sentida
as part of Work on Feminism #watching

 Stream
 Spanish with English subtitles
 From 15 years on
 Free of charge
 Stream
 Spanish with English subtitles
 From 15 years on
 Free of charge

The third day with the focus on Working on Feminism is dedicated to #watching:

Nine female youths take the floor: they report on violence inflicted on girls. Their basis are interviews in which more than 100 girls and young women talk about their experiences with violence, as witnesses or victims. On stage, the players - all aged between 15 and 19 - tell of these real cases, they comment on them, re-enact situations. Highly emotional, sensitive or cheeky, angry and drastic, then again distanced, objective and seemingly completely cool. The Chilean theatre group La Re-Sentida wants to do more than just document violence. It is about finally breaking the silence. And about making demands.
The follow-up discussion with the artistic team will take place in German and Spanish.

From 15 years

With Ignacia Atenas, Almendra Menichetti, Paula Castro, Daniela López, Angelina Miglietta, Matilde Morgado, Constanza Poloni, Rafaela Ramírez, Arwen Vásquez Stage and lighting Pablo de la Fuente Costumes Daniel Bagnara Music Tomás González Dramaturgy Carolina de la Maza, Marco Layera Collaboration Dramaturgy Anita Fuentes, Francisca Ortiz, Soledad Escobar Production Centre Gabriela Mistral (GAM)

A co-production of Teatro La Re-Sentida. Funded by the Hessian Ministry of Science and the Arts as part of the intergenerational outreach initiative ALL IN - FOR PUBLIC OF EVERY AGE.

The follow-up discussion will take place via Zoom.

The network “Working on Feminism” is funded by the Cultural Department of the City of Munich as part of the project #sieINSPIRIERTmich.
Further information at

In collaboration with the Petra Kelly Foundation
BELARUS! The Female Face of the Revolution?
As part of Working on Feminism #reading • Reading and discussion
UA English Surtitles Berliner Theatertreffen 2022 Neue Zeit, neue Dramatik
Like Lovers Do (Memoirs of Medusa)
By Sivan Ben Yishai